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HomeEventsZOOM DOCENT TOUR: Ethiopia at the Crossroads with the Walters Museum - LFV members/volunteers only

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ZOOM DOCENT TOUR: Ethiopia at the Crossroads with the Walters Museum - LFV members/volunteers only

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 2:30 PM until 3:30 PM


Virtual Event
Bethesda , MD  20816

Event Contact(s)

Margaret Warker



Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full

About this event

Ethiopia at the Crossroads

with the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore

Tuesday, February 13, 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Enjoy highlights of the first major art exhibition in America to examine Ethiopian traditions from their origins to the present. A large portion of the historic artistic production in Ethiopia is connected to the three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), all of which have early roots in Ethiopia.

"EXCELLENT....Finally, a sweeping look at Ethiopian art."

—The Washington Post



For LFV members and volunteers
The Zoom login information will be sent to confirmed registrants. 

Collaboration between Little Falls Village & Friendship Heights Neighbors Network.


Little Falls Village

4701 Sangamore Rd, S-232
Bethesda, MD 20816
(301) 320-3267