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ZOOM SPEAKER EVENT: Getting Started with Your Family History, Nov. 27, 1-2:15 pm, FREE & OPEN TO ALL
This is a virtual event.
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Event Contact(s)
Margaret Warker
Registration Info
Registration is required before Monday, November 27, 2023 at 12:00 PM
About this event
Getting Started with Family History
with Penny Stratton, Publishing Director at New England Historic Genealogical Society (retired)
Monday, November 27, 1-2:15 pm
This program will outline the basics of genealogical research, identifying standard steps to take; discussing popular genealogical websites; and identifying types of sources. It’s geared toward those just starting with their research—but also will provide a refresher for those who have already begun. We’ll allow plenty of time for Q&A. Our presenter will be Penny Stratton, a veteran of the book publishing industry who retired as publications director of the New England Historic Genealogical Society in June of 2016 ( She is coauthor of Guide to Genealogical Writing: How to Write and Publish Your Family History.
FREE & Open to All
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